Is Crisis Actually Opportunity?

The team at Managed Sales Pros is insanely busy prepping for ITNation, and I have zero time.  However, I promised my marketing team I would update the blog regularly.  This is kind of cheating, but I’m re-posting content from our sister company Cold Calls Lead Generation.  Hope you enjoy!  (You can check out Cold Calls at – we do a lot of work over there for non-MSPs, so if you have a colleague outside the MSP industry looking for great sales prospecting support, we appreciate and reward referrals!)

This was written back when I was still personally calling for clients full time.  Doesn’t seem that long ago.  I’m still cold calling every day, though.  I like to keep my skills up.  Without further ado, I give you….a post from a few years back that is still very relevant!

Is a Company In Crisis a Good Opportunity for an MSP?

Today while calling for one of our Managed Services clients, I stumbled in to a company who was a perfect fit for managed services. They had over 20 desktops, they used a break/fix supplier that they were very unhappy with, and they were looking to make some major purchases, including a new server and new workstations.

This is a great lead on the surface – the first problem I uncovered is that they have multiple remote employees who have accessed websites and opened emails that have caused major issues, including a virus that has rendered several laptops useless.  The laptops went out for servicing and six weeks later they haven’t been returned.  They asked for a quote on a new server months ago and never received one.  They have never had a NHA. The CEO can’t get in to his email.   They are begging for someone to come out and solve their problem.  Today, the sooner the better.

So is it taking candy from a baby, or not?

I scheduled the meeting for the client, of course – it’s not my job to disqualify, it’s my job to identify opportunities and then let the client decide if they want to quote on the business.  If it were ME, I would be wary going in to this opportunity for a few reasons.

They’ve been “living with” their technology problems for SIX WEEKS.  Can you imagine not having access to your computer for six weeks?  Could your business function if you couldn’t use your computer for six weeks?  I personally would have run out and purchased a NEW LAPTOP before I would have gone without for that long.  Why haven’t they already fired their current provider?  So many alarm bells go off here.   They have a genuine problem, but they also have a really high tolerance for their problem.  That’s not a good fit for a provider who is trying to build a healthy MSP client roster.

Cold calling helps you identify new opportunities.  That’s what it’s for.  This is definitely a new opportunity, but I encourage clients to tread lightly when they uncover a company whose “house is on fire”.  Right now this company needs water, any water, all the water they can find!!!  You’ve got water.  Match made in heaven?

A better approach for selling managed services contracts is to find companies that aren’t in crisis,and show them, slowly and methodically, how they can achieve their business goals better and faster when they NEVER have to worry about their technology failing them.

Want to learn more about how Managed Sales Pros can help you grow your managed services business through cold calling?  Email us at and we’ll be happy to schedule some time to chat with you!